What I Want You To Know (newsletter

If you know us, or if you’re a longtime reader of Sports Media Guy, you know that Ellie, our now 10-year-old daughter, is an IVF baby. My wife and I are among the 1-in-8 couples who have dealt with infertility. Someone else in your life has dealt with it too without telling you.  

When our daughter was younger, this felt like a huge part of her story. Her origin story mattered so much. But as she’s gotten older and grown into the person she’s growing into, it feels like it matters less. 

Which is why weeks like National Infertility Awareness Week, which begins today, are so important. They make us pause, even for a day, even for a moment, to reflect on and remember just how much of a miracle our daughter is. 

The theme of this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week is #WhatIWantYouToKnow. So here are some things I want you to know about our experience.

Read more at this month’s newsletter.